Ubiystvo na troikh


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  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 演员: Ekaterina Kopanova / Aleksandr Makogon / Kirill Zhandarov
  • 类型:喜剧
  • 地区: 俄罗斯
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《Ubiystvo na troikh》在线观看和下载

Ubiystvo na troikh剧情内容介绍

Ubiystvo na troikh又名The murder for three

The murder for three (From the series "Three friends in search of money and happiness") Katya, Zhanna and Irina are cheerful middle-aged friends. There are no secrets between them, they are used to trust each other and **** with any problem. And these ladies do not have to look for trouble - trouble can find them by itself. Spending a weekend in sanatorium, the friends meet a y...

发布于2015年。由Alexander Kiriyenko执导,集众多位Ekaterina Kopanova、Aleksandr Makogon、Kirill Zhandarov等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2015-11-08(Russia)公映的电影。


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