First Contact


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  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 类型:喜剧 / 短片
  • 地区: 新西兰
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First Contact is a sci-fi comedy which shows why there are so few visits from aliens these days. Two aliens interrogate a sub-contractor who they sent to Earth to handle 'first contact', but things didn't quite go to plan. A hilarious discussion on the appropriate use of probes ensue.  自1960年起, 幽浮就甚少出現在地球上空,這個世紀之謎,終於在一場會議上揭曉!

发布于2010年。由James Cunningham执导,


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First Contact评价

  • 連著看幾片同一位導演的作品,導演也太愛拿**這事當笑點。還有取笑**。這樣的性別態度令我笑不出來。
