An Unexpected Christmas


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An Unexpected Christmas剧情内容介绍

An Unexpected Christmas

Jamie (Hynes) hasn't told his family that he and his now ex-girlfriend Emily (Lenz) broke up. After an inopportune run-in with Emily at the train station in his hometown, Jamie convinces her to pretend they're still a couple to avoid ruining Christmas for his family. Jamie and Emily engage in a week-long ruse of engaging in his family's holiday activities together. While they'r...

发布于2021年。由Michael Robison执导,并且由编剧Paul Campbell、Gregory McGoon携幕后团队创作。集众多位泰勒·海涅斯、贝瑟妮·乔伊·盖里奥迪、琳达·博伊德、保罗·麦克吉莱恩、Alison Wandzura、Jessica Garcie等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2021-11-26(美国)公映的电影。


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An Unexpected Christmas评价

  • 旧情复燃+假戏真做两种常见主题混合(分手忘了告诉家人,节日偶遇被迫继续装情侣)。45分钟Andrew Walker进酒吧演了个路人甲,常看Hallmark电影的**概会心一笑(特别考虑到Walker跟Bethany Joy之前拍过两部片)
